Sunday, March 14, 2010

2 Birds, 1 Stone

I'm lazy, you say? I haven't updated this blog in...forever? The latter point is true, but I'm here to defend myself on the former accusation. Some of you know this, but I don't have 2 blogs. I have 3. And unfortunately this one tends to fall in last place. Most of my writing energies go into the Mercy River Blog. To be honest, there's a bigger following there, and therefore I feel more pressure to keep it updated. So I'm going to do one of two things-copy and paste posts from one to the other, or just direct your reading eyes (and your precious spare time) to our Mercy River Musings. I like to think of myself as efficient. (Which may or may not include some laziness. I'm not admitting to anything!) That being said, I DO love my Mamma Drama readers, so I'll do the best I can to keep y'all around, mmmmk?


The Hiller Family said...

You're funny!!

The Smoots said...

You better girl! Im still and avid reader!!! Love ya!

Makell said...

Agreed with the above :)