Wednesday, March 24, 2010

For the Good of the People

Do I dare state my political opinions on a public blog?
I guess it's my blog, right? I'm testing it on this one before I put it out on Mercy River's.
If you think it's too, um, political, let me know, k? Thanks for being my test group!

In complete respect of other people's political stand, I have to say this past weekend was very hard for me. Monday was a rough day. The things that are happening in our country scare me. For the first time I felt hopeless-like there's nothing I can do. My children will grow up in...well, anyway, I was scared. All day I had a pit in my stomach. Then Tuesday night I came across something that gave me hope.

I started reading the Old Testament a couple weeks ago. Tuesday I read about Abraham and Sarah receiving the news that Sarah will have a baby. (P.S. I love that Sarah laughed, out of sheer joy. Can't you just picture her? I love Old Testament women.) But later in that chapter Abraham is talking to the Lord about Sodom and Gomorrah. The Lord tells Abraham that Sodom and Gomorrah will be destroyed. Abraham essentially asks him, but what if there are 50 good people in that city? Will you destroy it? The Lord tells him, He would save the city, for the sake of those 50 people. Then Abraham asks, but what if it's 45? 40? 30? Will you destroy it? The Lord tells him he would save the city for the sake of those 30 people. Finally Abraham asks, but what if there's only 10 people? Would you destroy the city? The Lord said, "I will not destroy it for ten's sake." Amazing. Here is a city chock full of wickedness, but He would save the city simply for the sake of the 10 righteous people. Is there any question He is mindful of each individual?

I may not agree with the things that are happening to my country. BUT-I KNOW there are GOOD people here. And as I read that, I realized that once again, it's in the Lord's hands. And He knows the people who are trying to follow Him. My job is to make sure my family and I are ready-prepared for the worst; that we work hard to be GOOD people. So when and if something happens, we have nothing to fear. And when there's an absence of fear, hope is allowed to exist.

So I'd like to use these changes in our nation as a motivation tool, to get my behind in gear. And the end result will hopefully be, HOPE.


The Shegrud Family said...

I'm so glad you posted this!! I, too have been very upset and scared by the turns this nation seems to be taking!! Thanks for the hope you just brought me with that scripture story!!

Karen and Adam said...

Here here! To EVERYTHING you said! And just so you know, I'm writing you in on the ballot for every election here on out. ;) Seriously, Brooke, you ROCK!

Kierstin said...

That's so true. My mom and I were talking about this very thing the other day and I was telling her (almost in tears) that I am so afraid for my kids future in this country. Maybe I'll move to Denmark:). Right after I talked to my mom, my brother in law, duVall sent me the best e mail. It referenced the scriptures and how if we are prepared we should not fear. It's a little hard to turn off the motherly fear sometes though. I know that I am trying. My family is not perfect, but we are trying. In our FHE this week and in scripture study, we have been talking about how Satan works so much harder when we are trying to be good. As Nephi said, 'i will go, I will do the thing the Lord commands.'. Thanks for the reminder. Xo

Rachel Banks said...

Brooke, would you hate me if I disagreed with you? I'm thinking of my sister whose husband is in jail. She has five kids, one of which has diabetes. She never got her education because she was always married and figured it wasn't important. Now I know she and her children will be taken care of. I'm so happy people are looking out for those who are less fortunate than us.

Makell said...

Great post! I have to say, even though it is almost unfathomable what is being done to our country, I have this weird feeling of excitement lately. It's as if it is getting me all sorts of fired up - ready to join in the fight for what is worth fighting for. It takes the focus away from all the inconsequential things that take up 90% of our time and refocuses our thoughts to the good of the whole. I think the majority of us are just barely understanding what it really meant to have a functioning Bill of Rights and The Constitution - things I think we all have taken for granted. I say Bring It On!! Let's see what people are really made of. I'm only half joking when I completely want to shout that it's Time for a Revolution!

Makell said...

Just a disclaimer - all of the above, 'sans violence'. Just want to make sure that wasn't inferred!

Camille Crandall said...
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Camille Crandall said...

Brooke, thank you so much for this post. This is Camille from YES. I was feeling down about everything going on lately and I was teling the Brooke here about it and she showed me your post. It completely lifted my spirits and I have since also showed several people in my family. You have an amazing writing ability. Thank you for sharing! :D